General Dentistry

  • Regular Dental Care

    It’s not enough to brush and floss daily to preserve an immaculate smile and healthy teeth. Consulting your dentist at regular intervals is essential to prevent the occurrence of frequent oral problems, such as cavities.

  • Gum Treatment

    Le parodonte est l’ensemble des tissus qui relient les dents à la mâchoire. C’est donc ce qui nous permet de parler, sourire et manger. La parodontite, infection du parodonte, survient de manière récurrente et endommage graduellement les gencives et autres tissus parodontaux. Cette infection peut entraîner d’autres problèmes si elle n’est pas traitée à temps, tels que des maladies cardio-vasculaires, des pancréatites, des naissances prématurées, etc.

  • White Plumbing

    Composite restoration, more commonly known as white filling, is a versatile and aesthetic material. Once revolutionary, the use of an acid to create micro-retentions on the tooth allowed the advent of composite restoration: the application of a restoration to the tooth.

  • Root Canal

    The tooth is composed of three layers: enamel, dentin and cementum.The cementum contains a soft tissue called the dental pulp. It is the dental pulp which contains the nerves and the blood useful for the development of the tooth. During a root canal treatment, the dentist removes the pulp from the tooth, thus preventing the spread of infection and the extraction of the affected tooth. A dental X-ray has to be taken in order to find out if a root canal is needed.

Centre dentaire Rome-Milan

3020 Rome #5
Brossard, Qc, J4Y 1V9



Opening hours

Monday: 8:30am to 4pm
Tuesday: 8am to 5pm
Wednesday: 8:30am to 4pm
Thursday: 8am to 5pm
Friday: 8am to 12pm

We take calls 24 hours a day,
7 days a week

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